I’m so bad at blogging 😂 but hi again!

I’m expecting my first baby in a couple months, so recently everything has been busy prepping for that. Who knew babies need so many things?! More on that later.

In the meantime, check out my reels of what I knit in 2023 and all the projects I started in 2023. I got tendonitis last May and my knitting mojo never really picked back up afterwards 😩 But now I’m excited to knit both sweaters for myself and also some baby projects!

Pictured: a little cardi I knit for a friend’s baby 💕

If you’ve knit baby things, what were your favorites? And what was the most useful??

a pastel green colorwork sweater on a wooden hanger, in-progress
  • Lace 
  • Cables
  • Colorwork
  • Sleeves done!

(almost) monogamous august

August went by super fast, like most of this crazy year – and this is weird for me, I’ve pretty much only knit on one single project, aside from a few repairs.  I usually have 3-4 WIPs going!

At the beginning of the month, Caitlin Hunter released her fourth top in the Knitaly series, the Misurina tee.  I’ve knit all the others so far –  Tegna, Marettimo, and Navelli – so of course I had to knit the newest one, and I had some yarn saved up for a colorwork yoke, so I was ready to cast on immediately! 😀 

(This is my sixth Boyland Knitworks knit, so I think I might need to hunt out some more designer variety soon, haha.)

three stacked yarn cakes, two pale green, one multi-speckled white

My yarn is from Despondent Dyes (MC) and Oink Pigments (CC).  I purchased them during a couple trunk shows at my LYS, Knit Locally, and both were total impulse buys.  I had no plans and didn’t even realize they would go together until I was caking up a bunch of yarn purchases all at once, recently.

These yarns are all listed as sport-weight, so I definitely had to swatch, and ended up going up a couple needle sizes.  They’re a little higher-twist than I’m used to, and I don’t love the way it looks close-up, but I’m hoping they’ll relax more after blocking.  My swatch did relax fairly well after a brief wash, so possibly an actual soak on the full sweater will do the trick.

a colorwork yoke knit in-progress, laid flat on a table

The yoke on this sweater has everything – lace, cables, and colorwork!  That might seem intimidating for some but it’s really quite approachable in the pattern.  I found it very engaging to knit the yoke because of all these elements, though cables aren’t my favorite.  (I did most of the cabling without a cable needle – let me know if you’re interested in a video on that.)  The colorwork is much lower-contrast than I was expecting (I guess the Standing Ovulation has more green in the speckles than I thought!) but it’s grown on me.  Of course, I think the photo filters bumped up the contrast, but it was super hard to get the green to photograph right without any filtering!

You might notice I adjusted the neckline a little.  The pattern calls for a rolled edge that turns into a twisted rib after a few rounds, but I wasn’t sure I liked that look, or whether it would work with this yarn/gauge.  So, I did just the 1×1 twisted rib, and I love how it looks.

Side note – I am SO GLAD this is a top-down circular yoke.  I knit the other three Knitaly sweaters because I loved their look, but wow are bottom-up sweaters tedious…

a pastel green colorwork sweater laid flat on a patterned pillowcase

As you can see, I knit the sleeves before the body, which is something I’ve gotten to like doing lately, particularly for short sleeves.  I repeated the lace chart on them (without increases), substituting one knit stitch for the cable section, because of how my stitch count worked out.  Now that I think about it, I could actually have continued the cables too, which I kind of regret not doing.

Anyway, I’m onto the body now so momentum has slowed a little.  I’m doing the purl dots chart, which I screwed up on the very first round but full steam ahead anyway.  I’m not sure how long I will make this (I tend to accidentally crop a lot of my knits because of a desire to be done), but I’ll give it a try-on soon and decide if the sleeves will block out to be long enough.  If so, I might try to use up the whole second skein and make this a tunic-length sweater??  That sounds ambitious for me, but let’s see!

Are you also knitting a Misurina?  Tell me about it in the comments, or tag me on instagram!